Source Solutions
The water you provide should be perfect, but today it isn’t. Most of your water options do not actually meet your needs, they leave you compromising your water quality, resilience or sustainability. With SOURCE you have the only perfect drinking water solution, no tradeoffs required.

Get Source For Your Community
Whether purchasing Hydropanels or just the water produced on-site, you can perfect your water.
- Water for Bottling
- Hotels
- Off-Grid Sites
- Disaster & Emergency
- Restaurants
- Wildlife & Parks
- Remote Communities
- Schools
- Offices

Technology that produces drinking water from sunlight and air has been installed at Petros Primary School on the Vanuatu island of Tanna.
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Samburu Girls’ rescue centre taps solar technology to end water woes.
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The Whisper Valley community recently installed Zero Mass Water’s SOURCE Hydropanels at its clubhouse. They’ve come in handy under the City of Austin’s boil water notice.
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But the hospital now has a new source of readily available, clean drinking water: It’s using solar-powered “Hydropanels” on the roof that pull moisture from the air.
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Residents can now enjoy high-quality, renewable drinking water following the installation of 10 Hydropanels at the Muswellbrook Indoor Sports Centre.
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Logan Electricals is an exclusive distributor for Zero Mass Water. ZMW owns all rights and patents to Source Hydropanels